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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第77部分

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tting tack hung along the walls。 The aerial steeds were long gone; stolen by the conquerors; evidently; as he didn't see any bones。 Two rogues stood watch; guarding the huge sliding doors。
Pharaun smiled; threw his last darts of light; and; without waiting to see how much damage they did; broke from cover and sprinted toward the sentries。
One renegade coughed blood and fell。 The other appeared unaffected。 A nice…looking fellow with a single elegant tendril dangling beside each cheek; he turned; spotted Pharaun; and calmly lifted his crossbow。
The wizard threw himself flat; and the bolt whizzed over his head。 Still prone; he shot his own crossbow。 The shaft plunged into the renegade's chest。
The rogue snarled; drew his scimitar; and advanced; but only for three steps。 He stopped; and his arm fell; his sword clattering against the floor。 An astonished look on his face; he dropped to his knees。
Rising; Pharaun noticed that the dying male's garments were as tasteful as his coiffure。
〃Who's your tailor?〃 Pharaun asked; but the renegade merely fell facenotdown。 〃Ah; well。〃
The wizard strode on to one of the outside doors; unbolted it; and shoved it open。 Perhaps the casters were magical; for they worked as well as ever。 The panel rolled easily and quietly aside。
On the other side was a sheer drop to the glowing palaces a thousand feet below。 Silently thanking the dead guard's House; he touched the stolen brooch and sprang over the edge。

C h a p t e r

Pharaun could float down a thousand feet; or he could fall; relying on levitation to slow his descent at the end。 The latter course was dangerous。 If he waited too long to counteract the pull of gravity; he would break bones or even pulp himself when he landed。
Still; he chose to plummet; because of what he saw beneath him。
He'd lost track of time inside the rogues' citadel; but it was plain that the Call had gone forth around the black death of Narbondel; when most dark elves had gone home for the night。 With few drow about to contest them for possession of the streets; the undercreatures had erupted from their kennels to kill; loot; and destroy。 Pharaun couldn't make out indinotviduals; but he could see the mobs as great surging; formless masses like the living jellies that infested certain caverns; and he could certainly see the fires they were setting。 He could smell the strange; foul smoke of burning stone; and he could hear the goblins shouting。
Perhaps the embattled moners looked to the noble Houses for succor。 If so; they waited in vain。 Sorcerous power flashed white and red from the windows and baileys of the stalactite castles as the nobles strugnotgled with their own rebellious slave soldiers。 For the time being; at least; the drow were pinned down; unable to brace the marauders outside their own walls。
A house was growing larger and larger beneath Pharaun's boots。 He made himself lighter than air but still slammed down hard。 The impact knocked the wind and the sense out of him; and when his wits returned; he was bouncing upward again。
Restoring a portion of his weight; he achieved a more graceful landing; flattened himself against the roof; and peered about。 The goblins weren't running amok in his immediate vicinity…not yet…so he jumped down onto the street。 Glad the Bazaar was just three blocks away; he dashed in that direction。
He'd almost reached his destination when a motley assortment of scaly little kobolds; pig…faced ores; and shaggy; hulking bugbears surged from an alley。 So far; the revolt was going well for them。 They'd manage to lay their hands on spears; swords; and axes; and bloody them; too。
Pharaun ran even faster。 A javelin flew past him; but the thralls didn't chase him。 Evidently they were more interested in other prey。
When the wizard reached the marketplace; he cursed; for the riot had arrived there ahead of him。 Undercreatures were looting and burning the stalls; creating patches of dazzling glare。 Some of the merchants had fled。 Others attempted to defend their wares; unsuccessfully if they relied on goblin underlings for assistance。
Pharaun skirted the edge of the Bazaar; witnessing scenes of carnage as he skulked along。 Laughing; a goblin flogged his master's corpse with a scourge。 A bugbear used her manacles to strangle a merchant。 Trapped in a blazing stone pen; riding lizards hissed and scuttled back and forth in fear。
The first stall Pharaun had hoped to find intact was burning merrily; and the second was crawling with gnolls; growling; whining; and barking as they pawed through the vendor's goods。 The Master of Sorcere knew of only one more possibility on the perimeter of the Bazaar。 Should that one be lost to him as well; he would either have to venture deeper into the burning; ore…infested maze of stalls or conceive another plan。
Warty; bearded ogres overturned a twelve…wheeled wagon; dumping out the dark elves who'd been making a stand inside。 A walking mushroom; taller than any of the brutes; and; with its slender; fluted stem; far more graceful; swung wide to avoid the little massacre。
Pharaun slipped around the slaughter as well。 A few more strides brought him to a scene that; after the carnage he'd just witnessed; seemed almost unreal。 The westernmost portion of the marketplace was quiet。 Some of the merchants had armed themselves and taken up positions outnotside their tents and kiosks; but they seemed calm and unafraid。
Over the course of an adventurous life; Pharaun had witnessed the same phenomenon before。 Under the proper circumstances; it was possible for folk to remain essentially oblivious to a pitched battle raging just a few yards away。
The wizard ran on。 Ahead; a luminous green circle scribed on the ground surrounded a modious stall built of hardened fungus。 A heavyset male stood in the doorway with an arbalest in his hand and a toad; his familiar; squatting on his shoulder。 He wore a nightshirt; and his feet were bare。 The merchant scowled when he spotted Pharaun。
〃Stay back;〃 he said; his throaty voice even deeper than Ryld's。
Pharaun halted; took a breath; and wound up coughing; thanks to the smoke fouling the air。
〃My dear master Blundyth; is that any way to greet a faithful cusnottomer?〃
〃It's the way to greet the madman who attacked a patrol only yesterday。〃
That was right; Pharaun thought; it had been only yesterday。 So much had happened since; it felt like a year。
〃My past indiscretions no longer matter;〃 the Mizzrym said。 〃Do you have any notion what's going on?〃
〃You mean the smoke and motion over yonder?〃 Blundyth nodded to the east。 〃I guess a merchant's eliminating the petition。 It's nothing to do with me; though I'm ready if trouble spills this way。〃
〃Would that were true;〃 said Pharaun。 〃Alas; none of us is truly ready for tonight。 Have you glanced up over the roof of your shop?〃
He pointed to the orange light presently flickering in the east。
〃The nobles are up to something;〃 Blundyth said。 〃Maybe some of the Houses have joined forces to wipe out a mon rival。 Again; it's nothing to do with me。〃
〃You're mistaken。 All across the city; the undercreatures are rebelling。〃
Blundyth snorted; 〃You are mad。〃
〃Don't you or your neighbors own thralls?〃
〃Of course。 They're off somewhere。〃
〃Indeed。 Off preparing to cut your throats。〃
〃Just go away; Master Mizzrym。〃 Blundyth shifted his grip on the staff and added; 〃We always got along。 Don't make me hurt you。〃
〃The ores pose a considerable threat。 I know how to oppose it; but I need your help。 I still have credit here; don't I?〃
〃I don't sell to outlaws。 I don't want any trouble with the priestesses。〃
Pharaun look
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